Thursday, September 18, 2014

Week 2- Overview!

Thank you all for the fun day! The obstacle course was a great time and you even challenged yourselves doing the PT Push ups. Remember to keep working on those push ups, both form and numbers, so in October we can see your improvement!

What a fun way to end the day of Classes!

Thank you
Ms. Amber

Monday, September 8, 2014

Water Bottles

We just got water bottles donated to us! How exciting. You can still bring your own on Thursday, September 11th, or I will have them with me and we can fill them in the Kitchen. Your choice! 

See you Thursday! 
Amber Keener

Friday, September 5, 2014

Hello Families!

Please let me know how you feel about: 
1a. Missing at least part of 3rd hour one time to go swimming 
1b. Pitching in $6 to cover the cost of the pool together 
2a. Squeezing into the car some wheels (scooters, skates, bikes, boards) 
2b. Riding those wheels along the road down to a skate park on

Liesl Fleckner